Tap Fee Schedule

Effective 01/01/2024

Effective 06/11/2019, Fee will be established based on current market contracts. Fee may change at Board Meeting each month.

Pricing on Letter of Commitment will be honored 10 business days from receipt of the letter.

Subdivisions and some Recorded Exemptions may already be approved for a tap with the District. Please contact us with questions on a specific property.

All prices are subject to change without prior notification

Raw Water Plant Investment Fee Distance Fee Meter Set Fee Water Allocation (Annually) Plant Investment Allocation (Annually)
100% 100% 100% 100% 228,000 Gal. 228,000 Gal.
 $73,500 $21,900 $500 per Mile from Main Tank Site at Hwy 14 & Hwy 257

Minimum Fee $1,500 or 5 Miles

Variable – Will be provided on Letter of Intent or for District Approved Subdivisions $2,100
Restrictions: Lot Size greater than 0.33 Acres (14,375 sq. ft.)
75% Tap 75% 100% 100% 100%  171,000 Gal. 171,000 Gal.
 $55,125 $21,900 $500 per Mile from Main Tank Site at Hwy 14 & Hwy 257
Minimum Fee $1,500 or 5 Miles
Variable – Will be provided on Letter of Intent or for District Approved Subdivisions $2,100
Restrictions: Lot Sizes greater than 0.20 acres (8,712 sq. ft.) but less than 0.33 Acres (14,375 sq. ft.) OR Landowners with verifiable irrigation rights or well permits for outside water use
50% Tap 50% 100% 50% 100%  114,000 Gal. 114,000 Gal.
$36,750 $21,900 $500 per Mile from Main Tank Site at Hwy 14 & Hwy 257
Minimum Fee $1500 or 5 Miles
Variable – Will be provided on Letter of Intent or for District Approved Subdivisions $2,100
Restrictions: Lot Size less than 0.2 Acres (8,712 sq. ft.) OR with a Board Approved Irrigation System OR a Board Approved Commercial Enterprise

WATER SURCHARGE: $6.50 / Kgal.


Plant Investment Surcharge will be assessed when an account’s year to date usage exceeds the Plant Investment Allotment. The transfer of additional water will not remove this charge. Additional Plant Investment Units must be purchased to increase the allotment and reduce the Plant Investment Surcharges. These rates are in addition to the standard monthly usage fee. Currently, the surcharge is $4.50 per 1,000 gallons (Kgal) in addition to the standard monthly usage fee.

Effective November 1, 2015, Water Transfers are no longer allowed except when the Board of Directors declares a drought situation.

Plant Investment Surcharge will not be alleviated by transferring water.

Tap Upgrades are reviewed through the Water Tap Request Form by the engineer or office staff.  Upgrades can only be made in partial units to make a tap equal 100% then only full units may be purchased
