New Development is strongly encouraged to contact the District early in your planning process.
Please start by filling out a Water Tap Request Form and include your conceptual plan and the fire flow required by the local Fire Department. Depending on type of development proposed, the development will follow one of two processes which are outlined in the following workflow diagrams:
Workflow Diagram 1 Workflow Diagram 2
The District does not issue ‘will serve’ letters therefore a complete review of the proposed development is required to produce a Draft Water Service Agreement.
We will require a Utility Report and Plan as the process moves forward and the District will provide basic hydraulic information for modeling efforts.
The District’s Design Criteria is available as a secure document. If you require an unsecured version, please contact the office at (970) 356-3020 or email Jared Rauch at;
Notice of Policy Change Effective October 12, 2020
At the North Weld County Water District Board Meeting held on October 12, 2020, the Board adopted Resolution 20201012-01 modifying the District’s Raw Water Dedication requirements.
Resolution 20201012-01, in summary, requires owners or developers to transfer acceptable raw water rights to the District in satisfaction of one hundred percent (100%) of the raw water requirements for such development project.
Dedication of raw water rights may be in a phased approach, in the District’s discretion, to be agreed upon and memorialized in writing in a Water Service Agreement by and between the District and the owner or developer.
A copy of Resolution 20201012-01 is available on the District’s website, unless subsequently consolidated, replaced, or superseded by an action of the District’s Board of Directors at a public meeting.
Resolution 20200908-02 Approving Development Documents and Agreements
Resolution 20210809-02 Amending Policy Regarding Approving Development Documents and Agreements