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Billing & Rates

The District is excited to roll out new technology that will make managing your account easier.  Register your account using your account number and zip code to start.  You can enroll in paperless billing, pay your bill online, set alerts to be notified by email or text if your usage changes and lots more!  View the short video below to learn more.

We understand you may question why payments are mailed to Gretna, Nebraska when we are local in Lucerne. No worries!  That is just our payment processor, we are still here for you as well!

Monthly Water Rates

  • 0 to 6,000 gallons $29.94 Minimum
  • 6,000 gallons and up $4.99 per 1,000 gallons (Kgal)

Water Allocation Surcharge

Water Surcharge will be assessed when an account’s year to date usage exceeds the annual water allotment. Currently, the surcharge is $6.50 per Kgal of usage. This fee is to recover the District’s cost to obtain additional water rights for delivery.

Plant Investment Surcharge

When an account’s year to date usage exceeds the Plant Investment Allotment (# of equivalent taps x the yearly allotment of plant investment allowed per tap), a Plant Investment Surcharge will be assessed. The transfer of additional water will NOT remove this charge. Additional Plant Investments must be purchased to increase the allotment and reduce the Surcharge.  Currently, the Plant Investment Allotment is $4.50 per Kgal in addition to the standard monthly usage fee.

Non-Potable Water Rate

Usage through the non-potable systems in limited, specific subdivisions is $1.50 per Kg