2023 Transparency Notices

North Weld County Water District Metropolitan District, Weld and Larimer County, Colorado

Disclosure Notice Pursuant to §32-1-809, C.R.S.

REQUESTED INFORMATION                                    RESPONSE

Address and telephone number of the principal business office

Name and business telephone number of the manager or other principal contact person for the District/board member contact information


Attorneys at Law

2154 E. Commons Ave., Suite 2000

Centennial, CO 80122


Zachary P. White, Esq.


2154 E. Commons Ave., Suite 2000

Centennial, CO 80122

Phone: 303-858-1800  Email:  zwhite@wbapc.com

Board members and re-election status of those

members whose office will be on the ballot at the next regular election on May 2, 2023


*on ballot at the next regular election

Matthew   Pettinger,   Assistant Secretary (term expires 2025)
Scott Cockroft, Secretary (term expires 2025)
Brad Cook, Treasurer (term expires 2023)*
Tad Stout, President (term expires 2023)*
Anne Hennen, Assistant Secretary (term expires 2023)*

Regular meeting schedule and the place where notice of board meetings is posted pursuant to

  • 24-6-402(2)(c), C.R.S.

Regular meetings are scheduled for the second Monday of each month, 2023 at 8:30 a.m. via teleconference.

Notices of board meetings are posted at https://nwcwd.org/ or when

online posting is not available at 32825 Weld County Road 39, Lucerne, Colorado.

Current mill levy (2022), for collection in 2023 0.000 mills – (general fund)

0.000 mills – (debt service fund)

0.000 mills – (capital projects fund)

Total ad valorem tax revenue received during the last year (2022) $0.00_ (unaudited)


Date of the next regular special district election of board members May 2, 2023
Procedure and timing to submit a self-nomination form for election to the Board pursuant to §1-13.5-303, C.R.S.:  Pursuant to §1-13.5-303, C.R.S. any person interested in being a candidate for the Board must submit a self- nomination and acceptance form signed by the candidate and by a registered elector of the state as a witness to the candidate. On the date of signing the self-nomination form, the person desiring to serve on the Board must be an eligible elector of the District.  The form or letter must be filed no earlier than January 1 and no later than the sixty- seventh (67th) day before the date of the next regular special district election. The form is filed with the Designated Election Official, or if none has been designated, the presiding officer or the secretary of the District at the address

above.  This form may be obtained by contacting the District’s general counsel at (303) 858-1800.  In place of the form, the candidate may submit a letter signed by the candidate and a registered elector of the state as witness to the signature of the candidate.  Both the form and letter must state the following information:  (1) name of the special district; (2) director office sought; (3) term of office sought; (4) date of the election; (5) full name of the candidate as it is to appear on the ballot; and (6) whether the candidate is a member of an executive board of a unit owners’ association, as defined in §38-33.3-103, C.R.S., located within the boundaries of the District.  A self-nomination form meeting the statutory requirements must be filed prior to 5:00 p.m. on the sixty-seventh (67th) day before the election.

Address  of  any  website  on  which  the  special district’s election results will be posted https://cdola.colorado.gov/local-government and


Information  on  the  procedure  to  apply  for

permanent absentee voter status as described in

§1-13.5-1003, C.R.S.

A permanent absentee voter status request form may be obtained

by contacting the District’s general counsel at (303) 858-1800.